Boppin' Along

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Boppin' Along

Forum for earth sensitives, world events, disasters, dreams, prophecies, visions, predictions.. everything and anything welcome here!

    Beautiful Valley & the Pink Cloud

    Betty in Texas
    Betty in Texas

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2010-02-17
    Age : 75
    Location : Central Texas

    Beautiful Valley & the Pink Cloud Empty Beautiful Valley & the Pink Cloud

    Post  Betty in Texas Fri 30 Jul 2010, 3:26 pm

    Hi Guys! I had a truly wonderful dream last night I want to share. I posted this on earthboppin but there may be some of you who don't go there.

    I went to bed thinking about Sue who was on the earthboppin dream board. Sue died this week. She had posted on Jul 25 and had been despondent and fed up with things. After I read on earthboppin of Sue's passing, I was sad and walked outside. The sun had already set and in the east was this amazing cloud filled with gorgeous colors.

    I had been "talking" to Sue right before I went to I was thinking about how she had gone "home". I had also been doing research on my family in a small rural town in northern England. I had been looking at pictures of the 16th century Church where my 3rd great grandfather was buried.

    The amazing thing is that the phone rang this morning from my daughter, totally exasperated and almost in tears at all the trouble she was having...she is going through a divorce, an absentee husband who is a workaholic and can only think about money and keeping up with the Jones, an AC pipe that overflowed and ruined her wall and ceiling while having the house on the market and trying to be mom of the year, assistant to a corporate CEO, constant headaches...

    now look at the dream!
    When the phone rang this AM from my hubby (he's in Oshkosh WI at the airshow), it woke me out of a very vivid dream.

    I was talking to someone who I felt to be my child, a young girl, and she was very upset about something...cannot remember the details.

    I remember putting my arm around her and telling her not to worry and to just remember what she has here and pointed to the valley below. I told her to remember how beautiful things are and that there are places like this that are so peaceful and that is the true value in life.

    Then, we walked out of the house where she had been telling me her problems. Apparently I lived on a nice high hill overlooking a very emerald green valley. It was a pastoral scene like something you would see in Ireland (as in the movie Far & Away) maybe a hundred years ago or more. There was an old stone church in the center of a small village. Little farms surrounded the church and there were lots of gardens and a patchwork of fields. It was early fall as the trees were turning color like in New England. Behind was this very majestic and rugged mountain, all limestone and rust colored, the mountain kept changing back and forth from a smaller green mountain to this high and rugged one...the scene was so incredibly beautiful.

    I pointed out to her that this was what she had to come home to and that to remember this when things were not going right.

    Then I looked over in my neighbor's yard slightly below my hilltop and there was this giant pink cloud. It was anchored in her yard like a huge hot-air balloon. I was telling her that I wanted my own cloud. She said, "Oh yes everyone will want one! It is the "in" thing right now." I asked her how she kept her pink cloud in the yard and she said it was all magnetics...and then the phone rang.

    So I think Sue has found her cloud. Maybe there's a pink cloud on the horizon for each of you?!

      Current date/time is Tue 07 May 2024, 11:50 am