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Boppin' Along

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    Solar Eruption

    Polly, AZ
    Polly, AZ

    Posts : 241
    Join date : 2010-02-17
    Location : Sedona, AZ

    Solar Eruption Empty Solar Eruption

    Post  Polly, AZ Thu 11 Mar 2010, 7:23 am

    Once on Spaceweather click on the photo of the green sun to see the video.

    [link to]

    SOLAR ERUPTION: Magnetic fields around the corpse of old sunspot 1045 erupted this morning, March 10th, at 0745 UT. SOHO's extreme ultraviolet telescope recorded the action, which you can see by clicking on the image below:

    The eruption did not produce a lot of X-rays (the corresponding flare registered only B1), but it did hurl a billion-ton coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. The cloud is not aimed directly at Earth, but it could deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field on or about March 13th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras around that date.

      Current date/time is Tue 07 May 2024, 5:27 pm